- Zero pressure solution completely offloads pressure on one-third of the patients' body periodically.
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Virtuoso is a mattress range with 3-cell alternating system for intensive, acute and long-term care.
- Support for prone positioning is made easy via individual cell deflation.
- Microclimate Maintenance provides support for natural body thermoregulation.
- Virtuoso range offers a wide variety of mattresses and support for 24-hour care with alternating seating cushions.
- Single compressor, compatible with all Virtuoso products, and provides efficiency for caregivers.
Alternating overlay suitable for any mattress.
Alternating with foam core.
Alternating with static core.
Fully alternating golden standard.
Head alternating with head & heel cells individually deflatable.
Fully alternating with all cells individually deflatable.
2-cell alternating overlay
2-cell alternating overlay with foam core
Virtuoso mattress supports effective pressure injury prevention thanks to 3-cell alternating system and Zero Pressure solution.
Virtuoso offers individual cell deflation and 24-hour care to support patient recovery.
Enhanced patient comfort and safety provided by comfort pressure settings, cable management system, and support for heavier patients.
One universal compressor for all Virtuoso products helps to reduce the complexity of caregiver procedures.
Easy and safe maintenance of Virtuoso brought by integrated X-Ray sleeve option and transport modes available.
Efficient infection control is supported by easy mattress cleaning and inspection.
offers high-pressure relief by simulating natural body movement with a 7.5-minute cycle.
completely offloads pressure on one-third of the patient's body periodically.
supports prone positioning and reduces pressure in high-risk areas.
prevents bottoming out.
provided by APT, CLP and MAX modes.
provides support for natural body thermoregulation.
provides efficiency for caregivers.
maximizes patient and caregiver safety.
can be accessed from both sides of the mattress to support bedside imaging patients.
provided by 2-cell alternating seating cushions.