Fakturační údaje:
L I N E T spol. s r.o.
Želevčice 5
274 01 Slaný
IČ: 00507814
DIČ: CZ00507814
Banka: Komerční banka a.s.
Číslo účtu v CZK: 58242141/0100
Číslo účtu v EUR:19 -6709690237/0100
IBAN EUR: CZ80 0100 0000 1967 0969 0237
Zákaznická linka LINETu:
+420 312 576 400
+420 312 576 500
[email protected]
+420 312 576 111
[email protected]
Mediální kontakt
Tiskový mluvčí LINETu:
Michal Uryč
[email protected]
+420 603 939 285

Subsidiary Companies
International sales in more than one hundred countries around the globe are crucial for us. For this reason we are trying to make it as easy as possible for customers to contact us.
The company LINET spol. s r.o., is part of a concern whose managing company is LINET Group SE, with headquarters at Keerweer 42, 3316KA Dordrecht, Kingdom of the Netherlands.
CZECH REPUBLICL I N E T spol. s r.o.Želevčice 5274 01 SlanýE-mail: [email protected]
GERMANYwissner-bosserhoff GmbHHauptstraße 4-658739 Wickede (Ruhr)Tel.: +49(0)2377/784-0E-mail: [email protected]
LINET UKLINET House11, Brunel Way, Segensworth EastFareham, Hampshire, PO15 5TXTel.: +44 (0) 8442481833E-mail: [email protected]
FRANCELINET France SAS7, rue Augustin Fresnel, Z.I. N° 137170 Chambray les ToursTel.: +33 247803180E-mail: [email protected]
SPAINLINET IberiaC / Bruselas 8, EurópolisE-28232 Las Rozas, MadridTel.: +34 91 640 95 50E-mail: [email protected]
BELGIUMwissner-bosserhoff Belgium B.V.Research Park HaasrodeEvenementenlaan, 83001 HeverleeTel.: 015 210841 | 016 89 81 91E-mail: [email protected]
NETHERLANDSwissner-bosserhoff Nederland B.V.Keerweer 42NL-3316 KA, DordrechtTel.: +31 (0) 786521850E-mail: [email protected]
ITALYLINET ItaliaVia Galileo Galilei, 48,25020 Poncarale (Bs), ItalyTel.: +39 (0) 30 3229519E-mail: [email protected]
AUSTRIASmart Care AustriaGrabenweg 726020 Innsbruck
SWEDENLINET SwedenVallgatan 5,170 67 Solna, SverigeTel.: +46 (0) 8 544 747 00E-mail: [email protected]
SWITZERLANDBigla Care AGBernstrasse 3CH-3421 LyssachTel.: +41 31 700 92 00E-mail: [email protected]
North America and Canada
USALINET Americas9115 Harris Corners Parkway, Suite 150Charlotte, NC 28269E-mail: [email protected]
Middle and South America
MEXICOwissner-bosserhoff MexicoAv. Paseo de las Américas #41, PBLomas verdes 3° secciónNaucalpan, Estado de MéxicoCP. 53125E-mail: [email protected]
BRAZILLINET do BrasilAv. Paulista 2073, cj. 1702São PauloTel.: +55 113373-7503E-mail: [email protected]
Asia Pacific
AUSTRALIALINET Australia Pty LtdBaron + Associates, Level 766 Hunter Street,NSW
Africa and Middle East
LINET MEADubai Design DistrictBuilding 1 office B307Dubai, UAEPO BOX 333221E-mail: [email protected]